A student and a passionate self-taught programmer.

Talking about Personal Stuffs:

Recent Projects

Malaria Detection

This Web Application is made using Convolutional Neural Networks and Transfer Learning Techniques (VGG19) to predict whether the blood sample taken from the patient is infected or not.

Car Price Prediction

Regression problem to predict price of used cars provided in a dataset from CarDekho.com, doing feature engineering using python libraries, model building using Regression Algorithms and tuning model using CrossValidation.

Covid 19 AI Chat Bot

A simple chatbot implemented using the feed-forward neural network in Pytorch and trained on intents.json with 2 hidden layers. I have also used some basic Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to train the bot.

Restaurant Reviews sentimental analyser

Restaurant Reviews Sentimental analysis using Natural Language Processing (Tokenization, Stemming, Bag Of Words), trained the model using Naive Baye’s Classifier, model is then exported to a flask server and deployed to Heroku cloud platform.

Racers Delight Game

A Racing game built in python using PyGame library.Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules which is used to create video games. Pygame is suitable to create client-side applications that can be potentially wrapped in a standalone executable.

Weather Detection GUI

GUI app made using Tkinter To get weather updates. Just download the zip file and install tkinter using terminal. Get the API key from https://openweathermap.org/ to get weather information about the required location.

Get In Touch

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